Having buttons to go to the next or back out of an actice record is a desired function, for example, when creating a photo album. So how can one create this functionality in Rails?
def next()
Photo.where("id < ? AND user_id = ?", id, user_id).order(id: :desc).first
def previous()
Photo.where("id > ? AND user_id = ?", id, user_id).order(id: :asc).first
In my case this is in the photo class
<div class="mb-auto">
<% unless @photo.previous.nil? %>
<%= link_to "Previous",
user_photo_url(user_username: @photo.user.username_lower, id: @photo.previous.id),
class: "btn btn-dark btn-lg border-0", "data-photo-target": "previous" %>
<% end %>
This is from the view file
So by retrieving higher or lower than the id that we have currently uploaded, we get the next and earlier, in my case I have also added user_id to filter on which user uploaded. This could of course be a different filter or be missing altogether.